Monday, August 31, 2009

a great sunday!

August 30, 2009- Sunday- Day 12

We woke up early to head off for the early 8:30 service at the big church this morning. I love it there! It is huge and used to be a boxing ring. They have a full band and dancers throughout the worship service. Our friend Abe from California translated for us and the sermon was very good. It was about directions in life and who controls your actions, if you are or if you are letting God take over your life. I was truly blessed by the whole thing. We sang some songs that are usually in English. I got chills throughout the singing… there is such a passion and amazingness about church here. I truly love it!

Abe took Chelsea to the airport today and I headed back to the orphanage. It was super hot today again and so I took a cold shower right when I got back. After awhile I went and did some things then hung out with the kids. One boy thought both of us were leaving and the moment he saw I was back he ran to me and clung to me for a long time. A lot of the kids asked about Chelsea and were sad. I told them that she is planning on trying to come back for my last week. They were realizing today that I was able to stay for a long time. They got excited! A lot of them were extra huggy today it was sweet.

Lunch was really good and then I again was with the kids until I took a nap. I had only gotten 3 hours last night so my nap was needed but it was SOOOO hot! I was covered in sweat every time I woke up. It was gross. I noticed that I am never really clean here. I am always sweating and dirty. The moment I step out of the shower my feet get dirty. It doesn’t really bother me its just interesting. After my nap I played with the kids and just talked to different people. This whole language barrier is really tough sometimes but that is life.

Tonight I was talking to two of the older boys around my age. One of them told me that he likes talking to me because he is really getting English down. He is really learning by listening and just visiting with me. The other boy and I struggle a lot with communication. It is mostly hand movements and a couple words that we understand from each other. But we are getting there. I feel very blessed that I am here and I know that I will be fine by myself. I noticed today that without Chelsea here I am listening a lot more and just taking everything in.

So something I wanted to share is that the people here LOVE our eyes. They are always saying something about them. It is because most of the Mexican people have brown eyes so we are different. At the old folks home they tell us, the young kids do, older ones, and adults. It’s interesting how many compliments I have had about my eyes in the last two weeks. I mean Chelsea has gorgeous eyes but mine are just normal… but I guess not to them.

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