Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What is our mission really?

What is the motive and goal of your mission? Is it to educate the children? Is it to feed the hungry? Is it to give clean water to the thirsty? Is it to bring good medical care to the needy and sick?

All of these things are a temporary help that are only prolonging a life on this earth, and preparing someone to live longer or somewhat better.

But what is our goal really as Christian, as missionaries, as workers for the Lord?

It is not to just help them live in this life but prepare them for the next. The thing is no matter how much education you give a child, no matter how much food, clothing, water, medical care… if they do not have love and Christ… they are going to hell.

If we free someone from slavery or a girl from sex trafficking but don’t give them the opportunity to know Jesus, they are still enslaved and trafficked by sin.

So many times, I see that we are putting so much focus on how well a child did in school or how they will succeed in this world that we don’t focus on what is eternally important—what they are doing and becoming for the kingdom of God. Jesus doesn’t care when you come to him if you have a medical degree or if you didn’t even finished primary school, if you adore him, love him, live for him, worship him… we are equal in His presence. We are children of God.

Sometimes I believe we as the church have things backwards in the way we look at our world. We are looking at the success rate instead of the heart of the people. What are the greatest commandments of the Lord? To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love your Neighbor as yourself… He also told us to go and make disciples of all nations…

What are we pushing in the field? For them to know Christ and succeed in the kingdom of God OR to have success in this world? We should be loving the people where they are and helping them to see Jesus and HE will lead them to be great in the way he wants. Maybe not all of us are suppose to have a high school or college education but to reach people where we are and how we are… a high school drop out can have more success reaching people for the kingdom of God than one of the greatest scientists. I feel like the more education we rely on, the more we rely on material possessions… we don’t look towards Christ but we look at the world to fill us.

I am not saying that we shouldn’t work hard for children to educated and to succeed but maybe our focus shouldn’t be in that, but in working on their hearts. Who cares really if someone has finished their degree in university? Does God look down upon on them? Look how many people are educated and have everything and want to do nothing with our Lord.

What is the focus of my mission? I want to love people and children with all my heart and be a constant example to them of Christ. I want to teach them how beautiful and wanted they are to the Lord. I want them to love the Lord Jesus with all their hearts and be successful in this life to come. I wouldn’t love a child more if he had an 8th grade education or a college education because we are all the creation of God and He can use us to do great things!

I want to feed the hungry, give a home to the orphaned, give clean water to the thirsty, have schools to help children learn, help the elderly and sick… but with all of those things they are just a way to show Christ to them, an open door to love them and lead them to the Savior. We are suppose to care about the poor, but not only care but give up everything to them because that is what Christ did. He had compassion on them and loved them with all he was, he didn’t pity them but saw them as they were, humbled himself to their level and showed them truth. I want always my mission to be focused on loving the people, being examples, and leading them to the Savior… speaking truth, and have the kingdom of God first in our minds instead of the success of this world, which will pass away.

"He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world!"- 1 John 2:2

1 comment:

  1. So well said, Tenielle. Every time I hear the song "Motion of Mercy" I think of you, remember you singing it at church, and absolutely know that that is your heart--one that is moved by compassion into action, and one that longs for those around you to know Jesus. We are praying for you, and for those who are touched by your life. Forward on.
