Thursday, September 3, 2009

day 14 with these wonderful people

September 2, 2009-Wednesday- Day 14

The group was suppose to come but they canceled the whole trip and now the family doesn’t get a house for a while… I guess the next group is coming in December. It makes me sad to think that the family was looking forward to a home and its not going to happen. We are doing different things to the orphanage and making it better. Sergio is always improving everything and working really hard.

I left with Israel’s wife Marlena (sp?) and the two youngest boys to find them some shoes. We went to this street market and I held Pepino or Eduardo in my arms. I really love him… he is five years old and super silly. We got back and then I left with Israel and his 16-year-old son Alberto. We ran around getting some shoes and uniforms for school. He also bought me the most amazing ice cream I have ever had. It was a soft peach with sunflower seeds, raisins, strawberries, almonds, and caramel for topping. It was pretty grand. I love driving around with him because we listen to Christian music and he sings with all that he is. So the driving here is pretty ridiculous and I can’t believe that I haven’t died yet. Haha

We got back and I did some different things, hung out with some people, and then took a nap. I got sick last night and today… my hope is that I will be healed soon and that it doesn’t affect me as I work. I then just played with the kids and watched the men work on the new addition. I love joking with the people… I am learning more and more Spanish so it is becoming easier. J


  1. Hey Tenielle, Sounds like God is really putting you to the test! Still praying for you! Hey I ordered my computer, yesturday the third and get it the eleventh, so i should be able to get my skype set up. Let me know your number or screen name for skype! My email address is if you want to give it to me that way or facebook or just put it in your blog and i should be able to get it that way too! Miss ya Kody

  2. Praying and thinking of you! Soo sad the group did not show...I can only imagine how disappointing that would be.

    Stay healthy and loving!

    I love you!
