Thursday, April 2, 2015

Trusting in His name

My job in the beginning here in Mexico was loving on kids, helping out around the orphanage, helping groups, and visiting the hospice centers. Then three years ago, God opened a door for me to serve the mission here in Mexico in a different way-- I started doing all the fund-raising, marketing, communication, and some administration for the whole ministry. I noticed that when I started to really focus on getting as much food and support for the orphanage that my own personal support would go down to almost nothing, but then I would watch God bring it back to more than I imagined it would be. But there are always times of feast and famine, at the moment it is down. I believe whole-heartedly that these times are for me to just look to the LORD and trust Him constantly more in each aspect of my life.  

Recently I have been so focused on making sure the orphanage is all good, that each group is taken care of, that my fiancĂ© can come and all the money for his visa will be here and that our wedding is planned and ready...  but sometimes I forget to just look at my normal living costs which are super important. This morning I received an email that my support was down a lot from the previous year. I started reading the word and this verse came up, "Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you."-Psalm 9:10. 

It gave me peace today, knowing that trusting in our great Jesus is what we need to do, in all aspects of our lives. I know that God is faithful, He always has been with me and in all the work that He has allowed me to do. I know that our great Father has us wrapped in His arms, and He loves us more than we could ever imagine. I am praying always for the LORD to cover each need. I was reading in a Francis Chan book, "You and Me Forever" and there is a part that came to my mind this morning-- just because we are children of God doesn't mean we will not suffer or have problems... Jesus suffered and we will too. We will need to trust, and know that God is in control, not us! I believe in these moments when fear comes into my heart, Jesus reminds me that I am not in control but HE is the one working in peoples hearts to give! 

Like I said before, I am usually asking for help for the orphanage, hospice centers, old folks home, house building project, or anything else... but today I am just putting my heart out there to say that personally I need help so I can always continue to do all that God has put in my hands to do. You can contact me for more information if you would like to help!